
Monday, June 30, 2014

Sri S. Samuel Ex-GS retiring on 30/6/2014

Our senior colleague and Ex-General Secretary Sri S. Samuel is going to retire from Govt. service on superannuation on 30/6/2014. He hold the post of General Secretary from 2005 to 2010. During the two terms he did his best to discharge the duties cast upon him without fear of reprisal. During his tenure following specific achievements were taken place (i) Conferment of gazetted status to the post of ASP, (ii) Free supply of newspaper at the residence of ASP (iii) Reimbursement of mobile phone recharge coupon/residential telephone bill (iv) Allotment of willing surplus qualified Inspector Posts candidates to other Circles, (v) Re-allotment of women Inspector Posts to respective home Circle under spouse category without waiting to complete mandatory waiting period etc. (vi) Supply of Laptop to all Sub Divisions. For his grand and successful service to this Association, we have to salute him. His mobile No. is 09444144764

This Association wishes Sri Samuel Sir, a happy, healthy and peaceful retirement life. 

CHQ News - Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IO)/Presenting Officers (PO).

To view DoPT OM No. 142/15/2010-AVD.I dated 23/6/2014, please CLICK HERE.

CBS : Chittorgarh HO (Chittorgarh) rolled out on 23/6/2014

Shri Jitendra Gupta, PMG Ajmer Region inaugurated  Chittorgarh HO on 23.06.14, Shri R.S. Shaktawat, SPOs Chittorgarh, Shri Gopal Lal Sharma, ASP (HQ) , Postmaster and all staff of Chittorgarh HO/DO were present

On Retirement of Shri L.S.Ratnawat, ASP (HQ) Bharatpur

श्री लक्ष्मणसिंह रत्नावत (Shri L.S.Ratnawat), सहायक अधीक्षक डाक (मुख्यालय) भरतपुर के दिनांक 30.06.2014 को सेवानिवृति होने पर निरीक्षक/सहायक अधीक्षक डाक संघ,राजस्थान परिमण्डल शाखा की और से हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाये I

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

NCERT English Medium Books for Download

NCERT English Medium Books for Download

ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
11AccountingFinancial Accounting - IDownload
11AccountingAcoountacy - IIDownload
12AccountingAccountacy - IDownload
12AccountingAcoountacy - IIDownload
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
11BiologyExemplar ProblemsDownload
Business Studies
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
11Business StudiesBusiness StudiesDownload
12Business StudiesBusiness Studies - IDownload
12Business StudiesBusiness Studies - IIDownload
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
11ChemistryChemistry Part - I
11ChemistryChemistry Part - II
12ChemistryChemistry - I
12ChemistryChemistry - II
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
6CivicsSocial and Political Life
7CivicsSocial and Political Life
8CivicsSocial and Political Life
9CivicsDemocratic Poloitics
10CivicsDemocratic Politics
Computer and Communication Technology
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
11Computer & Communication TechnologyCCT Part - I
11Computer & Communication TechnologyCCT Part - II
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
10EconomicsUnderstanding Economic Development
11EconomicsIndia Economic Development 
12EconomicsIntroductory Microeconomics
12EconomicsIntroductory Macroeconomics
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
6EnglishA Pact With the Sun
7EnglishAn alien Hand supplementary Reader
8EnglishIf So Happened
9EnglishBeehive English TextBook
9EnglishMoments Supplementary Reader
10EnglishFirst Flight
10EnglishFoot Prints Withour Feet(Supp. Reader)
11EnglishWoven Words
11EnglishSnapshots Suppl. Redear English
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
7EnvironmentOur EnvironmentDownload
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
6GeographyThe Earth Our Habitat
9GeographyContemporary India
10GeographyContemporary India
11GeographyFundamental of Physical Geography
11GeographyPractical Work In Geography
11GeographyIndia Physical Environment
12GeographyFundamentals Of Human Geography
12GeographyPractical Work In Geography - II
12GeographyIndia-People and Economy
8GeographyResource And Development
Graphic Design
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
11Graphic DesignThe story of Graphic Design
Heritage Crafts
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
11Heritage CraftsLiving Craft Traditions of India
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
6HistoryHistory - Our Past Life
7HistoryOur Past - II
8HistoryOur Pasts - III
8HistoryOur Pasts - III
9HistoryIndia and the Contemporary World-I
10HistoryIndia and the Contemporary World-II
11HistoryThemes in World History
12HistoryThemes in Indian History - I
12HistoryThemes in Indian History - II
12HistoryThemes in Indian History - III
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
9MathsExemplar Problems
10MathsExemplar Problems
11MathsExemplar Problems
12MathsMathematics - I
12MathsMathematics - II
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
11PhysicsPhysics Part - I
11PhysicsPhysics Part - II
11PhysicsExemplar Problems
12PhysicsPhysics Part - I
12PhysicsPhysics Part - II
Political Science
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link
11Political SciencePolitical Theory
11Political ScienceIndia Constitution at Work
12Political ScienceContemporary World Politics
12Political SciencePolitical Science
ClassSubjectBook NameDownload Link

Chief Ministers & Governors of Indian States ( as on June 2014 )

To view the list, please CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Dholpur HO (Dholpur) migrated under CBS

Shri Dushyant Mudgal, DPS (HQ) inaugurated CBS migrated office Dholpur HO

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Letter to CPMG regarding transfer/posting of IP/ASPs

Rajasthan Circle Branch, Jaipur-302 007
President             Secretary                                  Treasurer
Atma Ram      Bhupendra Parashar                    Gauri Shanker
9414775300         9414576782                              9829536096

सेवा मे,
     ले.कर्नल डी.के.ए़स. चौहान,
     मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल,
     राजस्थान परिमण्डल, जयपुर - 302007

No. :-   IP/ASP/Raj/June/1/2014                                                 दिनांक 16.06.2014

विषय %& निरीक्षक एवं सहायक अधीक्षक डाकघर के स्थानांतरण समयपूर्व  करने के सम्बन्ध में A
आदरणीय महोदय]

                         उपरोक्त विषय में नम्र निवेदन है कि परिमण्डल के कुछ निरीक्षक एवं सहायक अधीक्षक डाकघर द्वारा एसोशियशन के ध्यान में लाया गया हे कि उनका स्थानांतरण समयपूर्व कर दिया गया हैंA तथा उनके कुल कार्यकाल में निरीक्षक एवं सहायक अधीक्षक के पद पर एक स्थान पर किये गये समय को जोड़ा जा रहा है A
              इस सम्बन्ध में श्री आर.के.मीणा, सहायक अधीक्षक डाक, जयपुर(ग्रामीण) के, आपको संबोधित प्रतिवेदन दिनांक 30.05.14, कि प्रतिलिपि सलंग्न कर निवेदन है कि उक्त अधिकारी 15 वर्ष तक APS में सेवा के उपरांत नवम्बर 2010 में अपनी सिविल यूनिट में वापिस आया था तथा एक वर्ष पूर्व ही सहायक अधीक्षक डाक, जयपुर(ग्रामीण) के पद पर पदोन्नत हुवा था I कृपया इस सम्बन्ध में उनके प्रतिवेदन पर सहानुभूतिपूर्वक विचार करते हुए उनका स्थानांतरण स्थगित करने कि कृपा करावेaaaA
आदर सहित
सलग्न : उपरोक्तानुसार
(भूपेन्द्र पाराशर)
निरीक्षक/सहायक अधीक्षक डाक संघ,

राजस्थान परिमण्डल शाखा, जयपुर I