
Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Dear friends,
as you are aware that we are going to hold Circle Conference of our Association on sunday, 02.08.2009 at Shri Jat Vishram Sthali, Pushkar (Ajmer) and we have also invited our CHQ office bearers including General Secretary and President to hold Central Working Committee on 01 &02.08.2009 at the same venue,I earnestly request all of you to attend the conference in full strength to make it a memorable and historical conference.Due to my promotion to PS Group B, it would be my last conference and hence it is my immense desire to have a meeting with you. I am confident that you will not disappoint me and honour my heart felt feelings to come at Pushkar with friends, well wishers and patrons.
At the same time I may add that expenses on this event will be beyond our expectations due to sky rockettig prices and CWC Meeting of our CHQ. You might be proud of the fact that Rajasthan Circle is organising such an All India event at the very first time in its history. I, therefore, earnestly appeal all of you to come forward and give financial support to the Association. We, the Rajasthanis are well known for our unique culture of attending our guests with full ferver and therefore, a warm welcome is expected from our CHQ members.Undoubtedly, we will fulfill their ambitions.
For your kind information, Chief PMG vide order no.Union/11-2 dated 21.07.09 has permitted all members to be granted special casual leave and HQ permission for the confernce.
I am looking forward to see you at Pushkar in maximum number and with maximum financial support.
With fatternal regards.
Yours sincerely,
Hari Prasad Sharma.

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