
Monday, April 5, 2010

Shri Dinesh Khare and Shri Roop Chand will be new CHQ President and General Secretary

The biennial 36th All India Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt. Superintendents Posts held on 3rd and 4th April 2010 at Guru Ramrai Udasin Ashram New Delhi unanimously elected S/Shri Dinesh Khare of Karnataka and Roop Chand of Delhi Circle as CHQ President and general Secretary. Shri Atma Ram of our circle has been elected as Organizational Secretary I in the new CHQ Body.The conference was held in a very befitting manner and the host circle made eleborate arrangements for stay and dining. A sizeable delegation of 23 members from Rajasthan Circle attended the conference in the leadership of Shri Bhupendra Parashar, Circle Secretary. This was the biggest group of delegates in the Conference.The August body decided to make sincere efforts to get the upward revision of grade pay of Inspectors from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600. It was also decided by majority to merge the cadre of Inspectors with that of Asstt. Superintendents, if need arises on certain conditions.

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