
Saturday, May 28, 2011

LDCE for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. "B", 2011 to be held on 29.05.2011

Postal Directorate no. A-34012/1/2011-DE dt. 27.05.2011 is reproduced below for information of members.

In partial modification of this office letter of even no. dt. 06.04.2011, para of the said letter i.e., the category-wise break-up of vacancies to be filled through the PS Gr. "B" examination 2011 is amended as under in compliance to the order of the Hon'ble CAT, Chandigarh Bench:

Examination for Category-wise break up of vacancies
OC SC ST Total

Inpector Posts Line officials (19%) 02 01 Nil 03
General Line Officials (6%) 21 02 02 25

2. The PS Gr. "B" examination will be held as per schedule i.e., on 29.05.2011 for the re-assessed vacancies as mentioned above.
3. The result will be subject to the outcome of the judgements of various CAT Benches /Courts relating to previous examinations.
4. It is requested to bring the contents of this letter to the notice of all concerned.

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