
Friday, June 24, 2011

Participation in Strike by All Association of IPs/ASPs

Dear Friends,

In response to the Email/SMS sent to all CHQ Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries on 10.06.2011, Two Circle Branches have not replied so far. One Circle Branch is defunct. 19 Circle Branches have replied as follows:

No. of Circles in favour of Strike 7

No. of Circles not in favour of Strike 5

No. of Circles not taken any decision and left the decision to CHQ 7

Majority of the Circle Branches are not in favour of the strike. Hence, CHQ is not issuing strike notice with effect from 05.07.2011. Decision regarding strike/agitational programme will be taken by ensuing Central Working Committee of the Association. In the meantime, CHQ will try its best to get our demands fulfilled through negotiations with the Department.

Yours sincerely,

Roop Chand
General Secretary

Note:- Rajasthan Circle is in fevour of strike

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