
Friday, June 13, 2014

Agenda itmes for next four monthly meeting.


Rajasthan Circle Branch, Jaipur-302 007

President                     Secretary                         Treasurer

Atma Ram                 Bhupendra Parashar                Gauri Shanker

9414775300                  9414576782                                 9829536096


            The Chief Postmaster General,

            Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur-302007

No. :- Agenda/June./2014                               Dated Jaipur the 13.06.2014

Sub.:- Agenda for next four monthly meeting.


            Agenda of IP/ASP Association Rajasthan Circle for next four monthly meeting is as under:-

  1. Circle Gradation list of IP/ASP has not been issued since a long time. Please issue revised updated gradation list with correction of seniority issues (As per latest DOPT orders) for Direct recruited IPs (SSC candidate).
  2. PLI/RPLI incentive of maximum IP/ASP is pending for more then 2-3 years. Please issue necessary orders for funds/sanctioning of PLI incentive.
  3. Transfer issue of Associations Treasurer.

Shri Gauri Shanker, ASP (HQ), Tonk and undersigned will participate in next four monthly meeting.
 (Bhupendra Parashar)
                                                                                                          Crcle Secretary &
O/O The Chief Postmaster General,
Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur
All IP/ASPs are requested to provided details of unpaid PLI/RPLI incentive and all Direct recruited IPs also intimate their Year of exams and date of joining.

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