
Friday, March 27, 2015

CHQ News - Reminder to Directorate to release gradation lists of IP cadre from the year 2011 onwards

No. CHQ/IPASP/Seniority List/2012                                      Dated :   26/3/2015.

Shri Rajkumar,
Director (Staff Section), 
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.

Subject : Issue of combined All India Seniority List (Gradation list) of Inspector of Posts from the year 2001..reg.

Ref.        :  Dte. No. 9-09/2011-SPG dated 18/12/2014

Respected Sir, 

Your kind attention is invited to this Association’s letters of even number dated 1/9/2014, 13/10/2014 and 12/1/2015 regarding issue of combined seniority lists (Gradation List) of Inspector Posts cadre from the year 2001 onwards. 

IP/ASP Association would like to once again bring to your kind notice that, Directorate vide memo No. 9-09/2011-SPG dated 21/2/2014 has released seniority list of Inspector Posts cadre for the years 1998 and 1999, and thereafter vide memo No. d9-09/2011-SPG dated 18/12/2014 had issued only seniority list of Inspector Posts cadre for the year 2000 after issue of series of reminders to SPG Division of Directorate by this Association. As you know that during the course of informal meetings with Hon’ble Secretary (Posts) and the then Member (P) it was told that, pending seniority lists of Inspector Posts cadre will be issued in phase manner, but we are sorry to mention here that since last one year not a single year’s seniority list neither prepared nor released. As on date, 13 years seniority lists of Inspector Posts cadre are pending and if it is not released early, then records pertaining to these periods will not be easily available at Directorate (DE and SPG Division) and thereafter more problems will crop up to decide the seniority etc.

In view of the above lines, it is therefore requested to kindly look into the matter personally and arrange for issue of Combined All India Seniority List of Inspector of Posts cadre from the year 2001 onwards as discussed in phase manner and if required IP/ASP staff who have already submitted their willingness to work at Directorate may be taken on deputation for this purpose.

A positive action in the matter will be highly appreciated.                         
           Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary



NAME OF THE OFFICE: ...............................................................


(Designation of Divisional / Unit Head)

I, _______________________ (Name & Designation) being a member of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts (Name of Service Association) hereby authorize deduction of monthly subscription of Rs. 50.00 per month from my salary starting from the month of May 2015 payable on 31.05.2015 and authorize its payment to the above mentioned service Association.
I hereby certify that I have not submitted authorization in favour on my other service Association. If the above information is found incorrect, I fully understand that my authorization for the Association becomes invalid.

Station:                                                                        Signature: ___________________
Dated  :                                                                               Name      : __________________
                                                                                                Designation: _________________

To be filled by the Association

It is certified that Shri/Smt. ___________________________   is a member of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts  (Name of Service Association).

It is further certified that the above authorization has been signed by Shri/Smt ____________________ in my presence.

          Signature: ___________________
                                                                                    Name (in capital): __________________
                                                                                    Of Authorized Office bearer (Circle Secretary)
Signature .................................       

Name (in capital) of the Member 

Divisional Head’s Attestation


Note : It is requested to all Circle Secretaries and members to get the above form filled up from IPs/ASPs whose monthly subscription is presently not deducted by DDO from their monthly salary and allowances. The form duly signed by member (at two places) and signed by circle secretary (at one place) be sent to divisional head/unit for further necessary action. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

CHQ News - 7th CPC meeting schedules

As everybody knows that GS and his team has already met Hon'ble Chairman, 7CPC and its all members officialy at Mumbai on 7/11/2014 and discussed the issues related to pay structure of IP/ASP cadre. During the course of discussion it was told by Hon'ble Chairman 7CPC that our Association can meet them again at Delhi after the decision taken by DOP in merger / abolition of ASP cadre. Our Memorandum have already been acknowledged by 7CPC. CHQ has already moved the proposal for up-gradation of 329 posts of ASP cadre into PS Gr. B cadre and grant of Rs. 4600/- GP to IPs. File is said to be under submission to higher authorities for decision. 

CHQ News - Likely pay scale of seventh pay commission

Everyday a large number of viewers ask for estimated pay scale of seventh pay commission. Why PAYCOMMISSION is silent on this issue ? Because as far as we know, the seventh pay commission has not even prepared a draft pay scale yet ! They are still busy in collection of data and inputs from service organizations, different authorities etc. But the employees are eager to know the actual increase payable from 1st January of next year. After the recently signed Bank Bipartite the curiosity grew manifold.

Based on purely assumption we reproduce a possible pay scale for the satisfaction of our viewers but it may not be considered authentic anyway.

For estimated other allowances and increase calculator please visit the link provided at the bottom (Courtsey : A popular website - Gconnect)

Pre RevisedPay ScalePB6 CPCPay bandsGradePay7th CPCPay Band7th CPCGrade Pay
S-1, S-2,15200-20200180013600-466007300



Source  :  Gconnect

CHQ News - Relief of PS Gr.B officers on promotion

No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/DPC-PS Gr.B/2015              Dated :     24/3/2015
Ms Kavery Banerjee, 
Secretary (Posts),
Department of Posts, 
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, 
New Delhi 110 001. 
Subject : Promotion and postings in Postal Services Group ‘B’ cadre. 
Ref.        : Dte Memo No. 9-25/2014-SPG dated 20/2/2015
Respected Madam,
          IP/ASP Association would like to bring to your kind notice that Directorate vide above captioned memo has appointed 141 Inspector Line Officers on regular basis in PS Gr. B cadre, but most of the circles have not implemented orders despite having clear orders to relive the promoted officers to their new assignments within 15 days from the date of issue of order.
It is to further bring to your kind notice that as per above orders all the ASPs promoted to PS Gr. B cadre had to be relieved from their former assignments within 15 days from the date of issue of order  by Directorate. It has also stated in Directorate’s above captioned letter that, in case, posting order from the allotted circles are not received, the circle where they are stationed now can relive the promoted officer and asked to report to the allotted Circle Headquarter. Requisite period have already been elapsed to join the new assignment on promotion so the promotion of officers who have not joined may be treated as cancelled and vacancies arise owing to deemed refusal and filled these in supplementary DPC vacancies.
It is therefore fervently requested to your kind honour to look into the matter personally and cause to issue necessary instructions to all circles to implement the Directorate orders in the spirit of given directions. All the procedures in this issue may be completed by the end of this month. 
A positive action will be highly appreciated and line in reply is requested.  
Thanking you,   
                                                                                Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

CHQ News - Revision of Pre mailing Rates under Business Post from 01st April 2015

To view Directorate memo, please CLICK HERE

CHQ News - Letter to Secretary (Posts) to consider the request of officers for allotment to parent circle

No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/DPC-PS Gr.B/2015                               Dated :     17/3/2015
Ms Kavery Banerjee,  
Secretary (Posts),
Department of Posts, 
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, 
New Delhi 110 001. 
Subject : Promotion and postings in Postal Services Group ‘B’ cadre. 

Ref.        : Dte Memo No. 9-25/2014-SPG dated 20/2/2015

Respected Madam,

          IP/ASP Association would like to bring to your kind notice that DPCs for promotion to the cadre of JTS Gr. A for the year 2013-14 and DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the year 2014-15 has been declared in the  last month with abnormal delay for the reasons best known to administration. Resultantly, the officers in the line of consideration have been discriminated financially denying for an option to join before 31-12-2014.

Furthermore, result of JTS DPC for 2013-14 has only been followed by Group ‘B’ DPC resulting in non-inclusion of substantial vacancies vacated consequent upon promotion of Group ‘B’ officers to JTS in respective quota (75%) leaving great chunk of vacancies in Group B. Now, ASPs in the line of consideration are voicing against this discrimination that arises due to non-insertion of resultant vacancies and wrong calculation thereof.

It is pertinent to mention here that had result of JTS DPC been declared first, many officers allotted outside their parent circle due to non-availability of vacancies  in the circle at the time of issue of Group B memo would have been allotted to their parent Circle. Even vacancies arising on superannuation on 28-2-2015 have not been kept in view while making allotment. I am quoting example of  S/Shri B. L. Sharma (Sl. No. 27), R. S. Munot (Sl. No.122) and R. L. Balotia (Sl. No. 130) promoted in above said DPC who can easily be adjusted in Rajasthan Circle if resultant seven vacancies occur on two counts, aftermath of JTS DPC and secondly superannuation in PS Gr. B on 28-2-2015 are taken into consideration.  One more vacancy is being created on 31/3/2015. The copies of representations dated 27-2-2015 received from above named officers are enclosed herewith for kind information and necessary action. The similar issue of Karnataka circle was also reported to your honour under letter of even number dated 9/3/2015.

It is therefore once again sincerely requested your honour to kindly look into the matter personally and issue directions to SPG Division of Directorate to consider the requests of all officers for allotment on promotion to their parent circle itself against the available vacancies only, as the vacancies are not properly adjudicated at Directorate before issuing promotion and posting order in PS Gr. B cadre.  
                                                                                Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary