
Monday, May 27, 2013


                Exactly before five years, this BLOG was launched for Rajasthan Circle branch of All India Association of Inspectors/Asstt. Superintendents Posts. The technocrat behind this BLOG was non other than the person who is now on the driver’s seat of our Association i.e. Shri Bhupendra Parashar, Circle Secretary. Before launching of this BLOG, I used to issue bimonthly news bulletins which were also popular and relevant at that time. However, the news and other issues were made known to the members en’block after a period of two months. But after the BLOG came into existence, the news and other activities of the Association became accessible to the members instantly. I think, many times only this BLOG is used as the primary source of information, not only for the activities of our Association but also for the other departmental activities. We should continue to feed with new ideas and information to be posted and shared on the BLOG in this electronic era of twitter and other social sites.
                The popularity of any BLOG is adjudged by the number of its viewers. You will surprise to know that during the last five year 1,29,346 persons have visited this BLOG and at an average of more than one hundred persons visit this BLOG daily. Upto this day, 302 articles have been posted on this BLOG.  For this tremendous achievement, Shri Parashar deserves a great thank. At this time, I also congratulate all the viewers and express gratitude on behalf of the Association who not only put their faith in this BLOG but also encouraged team Parashar. I hope, the BLOG will continue to increase its family of viewers and will keep the information updated. For your kind information, here I may add that viewers of this BLOG are not only from Rajasthan but across the country. This BLOG is included in the list of topmost BLOGS created by the personals of the Department of Posts and being used by them for updating about the department.
                Long back, when I took over as Circle Secretary of this Association in Pushkar conference, we started not only from ground zero but more appropriately to say from minus level. With the cooperation of all the members, the Association could touch the new heights and gathered a respectful momentum and dignified position in CHQ. It also gathered the faith of the members in Rajasthan. At the time of my exit in the year 2009, I was a bit afraid of my successor and worried about the tree I had planted with the help of my colleagues. Thank God, Shri Parashar completely washed out my worries and proved himself to be a far better Circle Secretary. I congratulate and bless him for his success story he has written on the face of this great Association.
                The Department of Posts is now a days going through a state of transformation and is on the way to adopt the latest technology. You all are lucky to be the witness of this great transformation. This might be a period of crisis but obviously it will provide comfort and relief to the coming generation. I am of the opinion that CBS in saving bank operations and migration of data of PLI to Mc camish will bring a revolution in the working of the department. At this juncture of time, we must keep ourselves technologically updated otherwise our tag of so called “Back bone of the department” will remain no more with us. I have no hesitation to say that many of our senior colleagues are completely dependent upon the system managers and other technologically experts. This situation is not good for our health. I may narrate here a famous quote “an educated person of yesterday, if does not learn today, becomes uneducated of tomorrow.” I hope you will not become an uneducated of tomorrow by keeping yourself in line with the latest technology being adopted by the department. Above all, my advice to all of you is to keep your self-respect and dignity always protected. Treat yourself as a dignified person, learned official and expert boss among the staff rather than a yes man of the officers.
                Finally, I once again congratulate all our members and urge them to be united for the betterment of the cadre. We should leave behind our personal interests and work jointly for the cause of this great Association. I am going to superannuate on the 31st July of this year and at the time of my departure from the department, I pray God to bless you. I express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for the love and affection shown towards me and assure to be always with you.

Yours sincerely

(Hari Prasad Sharma)
Ex. Circle Secretary and
Supdt. PSD Ajmer.


Unknown said...

It was a great initiate to create this BLOG. Thanks to Parashar Ji. but creation of blog is not important. Important is motive and Inspiration. above of this need. In this era we all using latest technology it was necessary to do so. I regularly view this BLOG and again thanks to all whom efforts put this BLOG popular. Thanks to Sh. HP Sharma Saheb, whose guidance will be continue after their retirement.

Rajesh Kumar Sharma said...

Great contribution of Shri HP Sharmaji.