
Monday, July 22, 2013

CHQ News - Letter to Secretary (Posts) i/c/w non payment of RPLI incentives to Sub Divisional Heads.

No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/RPLI-Incentive/2013 Dated : 22/7/2013
Ms. P. Gopinath,
Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.

Subject : Non payment of RPLI incentives to Sub Divisional Heads.

Respected Madam,

PLI Directorate vide letter No. 26-2/2009-LI dated 16-01-2013 has issued clarification about admissibility of incentive to SDI/ASP for verification/scrutiny of RPLI proposals clarifying that neither the Directorate letter no 26-02/2009-LI dated 18.9.2009 nor any other subsequent letter has been superseded by any of Directorate letter. Unfortunately despite clear and repeated instructions most of the postal divisions in the country are not still paying incentive equal to 10% of the procurement commission paid to the Gramin Dak Sewaks and Gramin Dak BPM’s whose proposals are verified by such SDI/ASP. As such these orders are found not implemented in true spirit.

Furthermore, the PLI/RPLI work has long back been decentralized to the Divisions except Surrender and Death claims. This has increased enormous work pressure on the Divisional Office, particularly, the IPs and ASPs working in the Divisional Office. At present Inspectorial Staff are burdened with variety of duties in addition to what has been enumerated in Chapter-III of Postal Manual Volume-VIII. The honorarium paid to the Inspectorial Staff attending to the scrutiny of new proposals is Rs. 2/- per proposal subject to ceiling of Rs. 4000/- p.a. The ceiling of Rs. 4000/- p. a. honorarium was fixed by the Department of Personnel & Training which includes, the honorarium paid for conducting departmental inquiries as IO or PO and also other allied additional works.

The quantum of honorarium paid for scrutiny of PLI/RPLI proposals is no commensurate with the quantum of work performed and the ceiling on honorarium is a major setback for the Inspectorial Staff working in Divisional Offices. The Association requests your kind honour to replace the existing system of payment of honorarium for this work without a ceiling limit of Rs. 4000/- and Inspectorial Staff may be remunerated at the same rate not as honorarium but as incentive that do not have any limitations. Also call for reports from Circles why incentive equal to 10% of the procurement commissions as required in Directorate letter No. 26-2/2009-LI dated 16-1-2013 of the procurement commission paid to the GDS whose proposals are verified by SDI (P)/ASP is not being paid despite clear instructions on the issue.

With warm regards,

Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

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