
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Issues may be raised during the course of Bi-Monthly/Four Monthly meeting with administration:-

1.  Issue of circle seniority list (gradation list) / up-dation as on 1/7/2015
2.  To conduct training on Finacle / McCamish software to IP/ASP
3.  Non-payment of PLI/RPLI incentive bills of IP/ASPs
4.  Consideration of Inter-circle Rule 38 transfer cases
5.  Consideration of requests of IP/ASPs for transfer at their choice station etc.  
6.  Filling up of vacant post of IPs (direct recruit quota)
7.  Filling up of vacant post of ASPs 
8.  Supply of good quality of furniture to headquarter of sub divisional heads
9.  Replacement of batteries of laptops provided to IP/ASPs
10. Non-payment of TA / Medical bills etc.
11. Issue of adhoc promotion orders from ASP to PS Gr. B against vacant post 
12. Filling up of vacant posts of Mail Overseers
13. Non-payment of IO/PO honorarium bills of IP/ASPs
14. Grant of amount to purchase briefcase / purse for office use
15. Non reimbursement of newspapers bill to ASPs
16. Non implementation of orders issued by CO i/c/w promotion from IP to ASP and ASP to PS Gr. B cadre. 
17. Non holding of DPC for MACP for IP/ASP cadre

** Criticism/suggestions are welcomed 

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