
Thursday, September 18, 2014

CHQ News - Seniority list : PS Gr. B as on 1/1/2012

Directorate vide memo No. 9-02/2013-SPG dated 16/9/2014 has issued final seniority list of PS Gr. B cadre officers as on 1/1/2012 updated up to 30/4/2013. 

While going through the said list it is noticed that, as on date many officers have already been retired from Govt. service on superannuation / voluntarily etc. To keep the updated list at CHQ, it is requested to all Circle Secretaries to intimate the names of the officers of their circle who retired on superannuation/voluntarily/expired / promoted to JTS Gr. A cadre from the list to CHQ. 

To view the memo, please CLICK HERE. 

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